Minggu, 02 Juni 2013

On Academic Pomposity

You know what, I give up. Regular posting and deadline are really not my thing. And to those who wonder, yes, I am happily married now. It was a traditional Javanese wedding, exactly like how I dreamed it, since I was 7. I remember looking with awe at my mom and dad's wedding pictures, with that black velvet clothes embroidered with golden laces. It's not so in anymore, as more and more brides and grooms prefer to have the more modern looks. But ever since I was a little girl, I knew that one day I will have it in elegant and old-fashioned way.

But this post is not about that. Not yet. I am dedicating this long-awaited post (yea right :p) for Mas Shidiq. He works as a physiotherapist at Physiotherapy Centre YPAC Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta. It's started two weeks before the D-Day. I remember having an arguement that morning with my mother and pulling up my full-loaded back pack roughly. You know how in Islam we are taught to love and respect parents, especially mother. I think it's an immediate warning which I got from raising up my voice to my mom (at least that's what she happily told me, lol); I hurt my right neck muscle and shoulder from pulling up the heavy back pack. It hurts a lot, I didn't feel it at first because I was in a tight schedule that morning.

Later that day I started to feel the nightmare. Neck pain is really one of the worst kind of muscle pain. It hurts your shoulder, your arm right to the fingers (yes you can feel it to the tips), and the head. Sometimes the back also feels the muscle spasms. It hurts a lot when you turn your head, when you nod or shake one's head. It hurts when you carry something, when you don't carry anything, when you stand, when you sit, when you lie down. Thinking about the pain only already gives me goosebumps... No one should ever feel this kind of pain, really. I could barely sleeping that night.

After two days of pure misery, one friend referred me to YPAC Physiotherapy Centre. Before this, I didn't even know that there's this field of expertise. I mean if we have dislocated muscles, or anything similar, common Javanese folks go this way :

Javanese Traditional Massage. Sumber ilustrasi :http://www.tembi.org/dulu/pijat/
So any problem with muscles, I often associate cures with old neighbour lady (every region usually has this elderly ladies who will come to your house when you ask) performing traditional massage. Most are coming from lower class in the society. So I was surprised when Mas Shidiq told me that he had a diploma in physical therapy. You actually have to go to university to earn money by giving people a massage?

How ignorant, I know... He explained the many of expertise in the field of physical therapy. And while listening to his explanation, he's working on my treatment. That was my first experience, so I did not really know what to expect. First he rayed the hurting area with warm lights like ilustrated below. Afterwards, he put on some device which sent tingling sensation on my skin. He told me that the steps aimed to help loosen up tensed muscles. And after all done, he made me lie down on my tummy and did wonder. He literally knew where it hurts the most and I felt almost masochistic satisfaction with all massaged muscles. When he finished, he taught me some exercise moves that I can do at home. Very very handy.

Sumber Ilustrasi : RSU Bunda Margonda

Later on, when I think about the experience, it's like a self-reflection. I often kept this superior feelings inside when comparing myself to other people, assessing the degree and education, judging people from their academic proximities. Before this experience, maybe if I meet Mas Shidiq in a different affair, when he told me that he works as a physiotherapist, I would have this voice at the back of my mind: "Ah, physical work. A masseur. Nothing intelectual.". Call me Erasmus Montanus, I, and probably many of my ex-colleagues at university often engaged in conversation, in such level, where practicality has become idleness, assessed one another by how long the addition they have on their name. I feel ashamed that I have to be put in such painful experience, and Mas Shidiq to mention that he actually have a degree to remind me that practicality, and simplicity are at times have more meaning than shallow idolatry.

What Mas Shidiq does for living is probably viewed less shopisticated compared to academic professions. But if we ask the question of whether his profession is less beneficial, ask people who have neck pain, or parents who have kids with autism and down syndromme, or people who have movement disability. I know I am not comparing apple to apple here. But while the profession of a masseur, tukang pijat, or physical therapist are not so academical or smart, it touches people's life more than I had counted on.

And the best thing is, the neck pain dissipated and gone completely after two days. Horray! And if you are wondering, the price is less then 100,000 rupiah. Woohoo! :D

Oh, while we're at the topic, I think I am going to write about pre-wedding treatment and post it next week. Thinking of eye-catching title: "Spa, Yay or Nay?". Very very important question for bride soon to be. ^_^ Believe me I have been there, and it's real challenge to put schedule for spa in the middle of those... mess. Okay, maybe not next week... (it isn't like anybody reading this ramble, lol).

And there you go, My Big Fat Greek Wedding is played on TV. Think it's gonna be a looooong night... I feel for Toula, lol.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Siraman Souvenir

Wooo two posts in two days? Grrr there must be something wrong in the universe. The bridezilla is getting over her laziness and going for good!

Sunday afternoon, I and my mother finally decided that it's time to get things done with at least one thing from the list. And what's better than revisitting our cute DIY (do it yourself) rabbit towel. We bought 26 baskets last month, small square towels (pink and white), toothpaste, soap, brush, hair clip, ribbons, more ribbons, and candle sticker. Okay, who says anything about me not having any creative side? (Oh that was me)... well, looks like I could birth it out if I want it.

After some YouTube browsing, we finally found this video, a tutorial on how to make bunny out of towel. Well, it's not exactly a baby shower ritual which me and SG will have. Siraman is the ceremony of bathing the bride and the groom prior to the wedding. This bathing ceremony is symbolizing the bride and the groom would be purely clean themselves physically and mentally prior to the wedding, while at the same time, asking permission and blessing from parents and elderly relatives.

After some tricky hand play, we finally able to made a cute rabbit towel. And everything is rolling from there. First, I said that these rabbits need eyes, and then mom suggested that it would be cuter if we put on some ribbon on its necks. And without realising, finally we finished our creation: 26 cute rabbit towels.

Aren't they CUTE? >_<;;

Ci Ci Kelinciiii <3

After putting on hold siraman souvenir project for a month, we decided to finish it today. We decorated the basket with ribbons and rumple satins. Because the base of the basket is too deep, we put in waste paper inside, and covered it with color paper. Every basket costs roughly Rp. 30.000,-. Quite cheap, and we are happy we can save money to buy packed souvenirs, and instead, creating our DIY siraman souvenir. Add some points for our teamwork!

All you need to recreate this siraman souvenir:

Silver glittered ribbon
Gold glittered ribbon
Rumpled satin
Waste paper
Color paper
Square towel
Doll eyes
Gold step cord
Candle sticker

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Checklist v.01

Wahahaha, it's been forever since last update. Let's make it quick (not that anyone is really waiting for updates, but, oh well... anggep aja checklist.)


Akhirnya dipakai juga pendopo TBS yang sebenarnya bukan pilihan pertama, sebab sejak melihat pernikahan klasik adat Jawa di sana, jadi ingin pakai pendopo ISI. Tapi karena sedang direnovasi, akhirnya urung. Pilihan kedua jatuh ke Pendopo TBS atau Taman Budaya Surakarta atau Taman Budaya Jawa Tengah (Jalan Ir. Sutami 57 Surakarta) yang memiliki bentuk bangunan yang sangat njawani namun cukup rumit pengaturannya karena sangat luas, sehingga bisa terkesan kosong kalau tamu yang diundang hanya sedikit. Tapi Bu Pandanwangi, periasku nanti bilang kalau bagian tengah venue bisa dikosongkan hanya untuk besan dan keluarga pengantin dan pengantin, sedangkan tamu lainnya di undakan nomor dua. Bagian tengahnya apabila diisi penari kelihatan apik.

So far, untuk gedung sudah deal. Harga Rp. 7.500.000,- dengan fasilitas venue kapasitas 1500 tamu, kamar rias, 1000 kursi, meja (+taplak), ruang katering, meja tamu, dan pelaminan/ gebyok. Mereka nawarin jasa dekorasi terpisah juga. Kalau mau tambah gamelan live cukup membayar ekstra Rp. 500.000,-.

Taman Budaya Surakarta Tampak Samping; Copyright: http://pedywenz.blogspot.com, 2013

Taman Budaya Surakarta Tampak Depan; Copyright: http://pedywenz.blogspot.com, 2013

Perias/ Dukun Manten

Untuk acara pernikahan ini, kami sekeluarga sepakat meminta bantuan Rias Pengantin Pandanwangi, yang dipimpin oleh Ibu Endah Susilorini, yang kebetulan adalah teman dekat dari Bapak. Alamat Facebook Ibu Endah bisa klik di sini. Pokoknya beliau yang paling bisa diandalkan kalau soal Pakem tata cara pernikahan adat Jawa. Semoga nanti dandananku bisa cantik dan manglingi.


Sampai detik ini aku belum ngobrol sama sekali, tapi besok ini masuk dalam To Do List yang harus dikerjakan. Soalnya dekorasi aku serahkan ke Ibu Endah yang juga jadi perias. Biar efisien dan tidak banyak mikir lagi dari akunya. Yang harus didekor antara lain: Siraman, Seserahan & Akad, Kamar Pengantin, Mobil Pengantin, dan Resepsi. Dekornya tentu saja bunga segar, lengkap dengan janur, tandan pisang dan buah, dan sebagainya. Dekor ini juga meliputi kelengkapan seputar pelaminan yang dibutuhkan pas ritualnya dilakukan. Memang paling TOP kalau sinergis sama perias.


Masih juga minta tolong sama Ibu Endah. Dokumentasi akhirnya tidak jadi pakai Yellow Sunday, karena keterbatasan budget. Tapi well, semoga tetep bagus hasilnya. Dokumentasi akan meliput semua kegiatan dari pengajian menjelang pernikahan hingga resepsi. Nanti akan saya minta membuat album versi resmi dan candidnya. Moga-moga saja bisa.


05.1. Kostum Pengantin
Untuk Hari H resepsi, kostum manten beledu hitam bordir emas klasik, sewa dari perias. Untuk ijab, semua jahit di Agus Bridal. Posisi terakhir baju CPW sudah jadi tinggal ngecilin dikit (YES DIET BERHASIL!!). Baju CPP masih belum jadi. Di sini juga pesan kerudung pengantin. Sedangkan untuk siraman tetap sewa dari perias, dan untuk Pengajian menjelang pernikahan posisi baju sudah di Penjahit Bu Ros (Review Later). Khusus untuk baju pengajian sengaja bikin kembar bertiga untuk CPW, Mom, dan adek. Satu lagi baju salem untuk Lamaran v.02 sudah siap dan hasilnya cantiiiik sekali... Untuk CPP memakai jas.
05.2. Kostum Orang Tua & Sisters
Untuk Hari H resepsi, kostum para ibu sudah siap. Hanya tinggal nunggu untuk fitting Calon Ibu Mertua dari Irlandia yang rencananya datang satu minggu sebelum Hari-H. This is one of my major concern. Tapi semoga saja ukurannya pas. Untuk Para bapak beskap yang akan sewa dari Perias. Untuk para adik belum jadi semuaaa ^_^''... Untuk Ijab kurang lebih sama, sedangkan para adik sudah jadi. Pffffff...


Sudah setor barang ke Griya Kado (Lihat review). Antara lain sudah dapat :
a. Satu paket handuk dan peralatan mandi;
b. Satu paket baju santai, tas, dan hijab;
c. Satu paket kosmetik dan hair care;
d. Satu paket perlengkapan solat;
e. Satu paket buku;
f. Satu paket undies;
g. Satu paket perhiasan emas;
h. Satu paket bedcover;
i. Satu paket brokat dan jarik.

Masih kurang : Cake, cupcake, buah-buahan, kue-kue, hair care, lingerie, sepatu, sandal, baju kerja, jenang dan wajik khas seserahan, jajan pasar, paket Natasha.

Catatan: CPP dari negaranya akan membawa beberapa barang juga antara lain beberapa parfum, jam tangan, dsb. Agak rumit pengaturan waktu bungkusnya sehingga To Do List berikutnya adalah memastikan kesediaan Griya Kado. Sebab kalau harus bungkus sendiri yang jelas CPW sudah tak sanggup lagi :P. Hehe...

Oke, sampai di sini dulu checklistnya, sampai jumpa di postingan Checklist v.02. Hehehehe... (yang mungkin baru akan dirilis tahun depan mengingat betapa malasnya CPW kita ini...)

Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Seserahan, or The Most Fun Part of Javanese Wedding Prep

Seserahan (peningset, hantaran) is one of the most familiar tradition in Javanese wedding. In this tradition, soon to be groom (SG) is expected to buy presents for the soon to be bride (SB). The presents consist of stuffs which will be useful for SB in her future every day life.

Seserahan is different from Mahr (mahar), since it's purely adat. The philosophy behind this custom can be drawn from the word "peningset" which in return was developed from the word "singset". Singset or "to tie up" - like other carefully selected Javanese term for important events - has the hope to tie two families up through a marriage. The philosophical meaning is symbolized through the presents carefully selected for the SB. Materialistic enough? In Javanese tradition, seserahan also can be seen as a proof of SG's ability to provide living for his future family, and to show his good will.

The Seserahan amount is varied from one place to another. For example Sundanese (West Java) marriage usually requires the SGs to pay fully for the wedding and the amount of seserahan as told by SBs. In my case, I am a Solonese, and here in Solo, usually it's not decided as a dead price. We allow the SGs to maneuvre through their budget. In the past, SBs even let SG's family to do all the shopping and just present it at the night before wedding. But nowadays, in the name of practicality (oh how I like it), many SGs would just let their SBs to shop within budget, since seserahan stuffs are meant for them to have and use. And believe me, I and my fiancee are not one but very very practical couple ;-).

Common seserahan consists of :
1. Prayer clothes, sajadah, Mushaf Al Qur'an, tasbih)
2. Kebaya fabric, Jarik fabric (Wahyu Tumurun or Sido Asih pattern), clutch, sandals
3. Jewelry (necklace, ear rings, bracelet, ring, watch)
4. Lingerie, panties, bras
5. Working clothes, hijab, bag, shoes
6. Daily clothes (long dress), hijab, bag, sandals
7. Toilettries (Towels, shower equipment)
8. Hair care, hairdryer, hair straightening iron (it's Asian thing)
9. Make up, Skin care regiment, perfume(s)
10. Fruits Parcel
11. Cake
12. Food parcel
13&14. Pair of pisang raja (banana :p)

The number, according to tradition has to be odd. And things mentioned above, especially in Solo tradition is not a dead price. It can be less or more. Jewelry, for example is often used as Mahr. A friend of mine asked her hubby to buy a laptop as part of seserahan, and the other one even explicitly ask for a washing machine, for she told me that she hates doing laundry by hand, lol. I am thinking of nice addition which can make my seserahan also felt personal. Maybe since I am a book worm, I should ask my Yts to buy me books. But it's kinda absurd, since soon I will be moving to Ireland, and he promised to load my iPad with e-books.

The wedding is still in few months, but I already shop some items from the list. It's for the sake of shopping getting things done asap, of course. Another interesting part, is of course the wrapping of the gifts. Since my Yts lives so far away, I have to take care everything myself. And I decide that artistic creativity is never my strong point (hello hello, that beautiful parafin ashtray which successfully gotten me an A at fifth grade? that's my dad). So this wrapping business must be given to third party.

One hundred meter to the east from Agus Bridal, there's a gift wrapping kiosk, named Griya Kado. I went there to see their stuff, and it's all I can ever want: elegant, artistic, and not too tacky. Here are examples of their work :

Copyright : Griya Kado

Copyright : Griya Kado

Copyright: Griya Kado

The staffs are really helpful. They explain patiently, as if I am not the zillionth SB who came to ask details and stupid questions. The wrapping price if you use their box: Rp 30,000,- and if you bring your own box: Rp 35.000,-. They also provide the box with your own choice of colored wrapper without additional charge. I will take a picture of my Seserahan, after all wrapped. For now, I will try to enjoy while it last; the luxury of spending without thinking.. (too much).

Seserahan Wrapping Vendor
Jalan Samanhudi 12 Mangkuyudan Solo
Phone (0271)7970889